Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

i Phone 5c

For the Colorful
Color is more than just a hue. It expresses a feeling. Makes a statement. Declares an allegiance. Color reveals your personality. iPhone 5c, in five anything-but-shy colors, does just that. It’s not just for lovers of color. It’s for the colorful.

Engineered to the brightess specification
A6 chip. 8MP iSight camera. 4-inch Retina display. Ultrafast LTE wireless. iPhone 5c has the things that made iPhone 5 an amazing phone — and more, including iOS 7. All in a completely new design that feels great in your hand.

iOS 7. Design to complement iPhone 5c Beautifully
With a vibrant, lively interface and new features that take full advantage of the technology inside, iOS 7 is made for iPhone 5c on every level.

Powerful apps included
Every new iPhone comes with better-than-ever versions of iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. So you can be creative and productive right from the start. You also get great apps for email, surfing the web, sending texts, making FaceTime calls — there's even an app for finding new apps.

visit this site click and you will impressed


Rambut rontok adalah salah satu masalah yang kerap terjadi pada kita. Banyak cara untuk mencegah rambut rontok baik secara alami maupun dengan obat-obatan.

Berikut ini 8 tips cara menegah rambut rontok untuk anda:

1. Gunakan sampo yang tepat

Pilih sampo untuk rambut kering, normal, berminyak, berketombe, dll, sesuai kondisi rambut Anda. Cuci rambut Anda setidaknya dua kali seminggu. Selalu berkeramas dengan sampo setelah berenang di laut atau kolam renang untuk menyingkirkan garam dan klorin yang dapat merusak folikel rambut. Pastikan Anda selalu membilas rambut sampai bersih setelah selesai berkeramas.

2. Gunakan kondisioner
Penggunaan kondisioner setelah keramas mengurangi upaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menyisir rambut dan membuatnya lebih mudah diatur. Penggunaan kondisioner terutama sangat dibutuhkan bila rambut Anda kering.

3. Keringkan rambut

Keringkan rambut basah dan jangan terlalu keras menggosok rambut dengan handuk. Saat rambut basah, strukturnya lebih rapuh sehingga harus dihindari menyisir atau menyikat terlalu kuat.

4. Sisir rambut dan beri minyak

Menyisir dan menyikat rambut. Menyisir dan menyikat rambut Anda setiap hari tidak hanya merapikan dan membersihkan rambut, tetapi juga meningkatkan suplai darah sehingga mengaktifkan aktivitas sel-sel kulit kepala. Gunakan sisir dengan gigi berspasi lebar dan sikat berbulu halus.

5. Variasikan gaya rambut

Jika memakai gaya rambut yang memerlukan tarikan pada rambut sebaiknya diselingi gaya rambut lebih longgar untuk menghindari tarikan konstan yang menyebabkan ketegangan folikel sehingga rambut rontok.

6. Jaga kecukupan protein

Karena rambut terdiri dari protein (keratin), penting sekali bagi Anda untuk mengikuti diet cukup protein untuk mempertahankan produksi rambut. Protein ditemukan pada daging, ikan, unggas, telur, susu, keju, sereal, kedelai dan kacang-kacangan.

7. Jangan memakai wig

Penggunaan wig harus dihindari karena membuat kulit kepala Anda tidak dapat bernapas dengan baik dan mencekik lemas folikel Anda. Jilbab, helm, atau topi tidak merusak rambut Anda seperti wig, asalkan berhati-hati saat mengenakan dan melepaskannya.

8. Hindari sinar matahari

Hindari sengatan matahari ke kulit kepala dan tubuh. Kita semua tahu mengapa sengatan matahari bisa berdampak serius bagi kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Sengatan matahari ke kulit kepala juga dapat menyebabkan folikel tidak mampu mempertahankan rambut karena luka bakar.

Semoga informasi tips cara mencegah rambut rontok diatas dapat bermanfaat.

Sabtu, 30 November 2013


Rasanya baru kemarin closing ceremony buat PPHP 69 70. sekarang udah PPHP 71 aja. ya ini tahun yang berat buat 70. ini tahun dimana kita yang megang event ini-itu. tapi kita tau kita saling bantu membantu, saling memberi semangat buat semuanya. perhatian-perhatian kecil ini yang sebenernya bikin kita semakin deket. dan sekarang funbike pun udah lewat. itu artinya event untuk PPHP 71 sudah habis. semuanya berkesan. aku sayang kalian 70.




Minggu, 01 September 2013

impossible - james arthur

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did

And you were strong and I was not
My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot
I did

And now when all is done
There is nothing to say
You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won
You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worse
Broken trust and broken hearts
I know, I know...
Thinking all you need is there
Building faith on love and words
Empty promises will wear
I know, I know...

And now when all is done
There is nothing to say

And if you're done with embarrassing me
On your own you can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

I remember years ago
Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love
I did

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

Cups (When I'm Gone) - Pitch Perfect A Cappella Cover - Kara Della Valle...

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Mirrors ( Justin Timberlake Cover ) - Gamaliel Audrey Cantika

Mirrors - Justin Timberlake

Aren't you somethin' to admire?
'Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror
And I can't help but notice
You reflect in this heart of mine
If you ever feel alone and
The glare makes me hard to find
Just know that I'm always
Parallel on the other side

'Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
Just put your hand on the glass
I'll be tryin' to pull you through
You just gotta be strong

'Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy
Comin' back here to you once I figured it out
You were right here all along

It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside of me
And now it's clear as this promise
That we're making two reflections into one
'Cause it's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

Aren't you somethin', an original
'Cause it doesn't seem merely a sample
And I can't help but stare, 'cause
I see truth somewhere in your eyes
I can't ever change without you
You reflect me, I love that about you
And if I could, I would look at us all the time

'Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
Just put your hand on the glass
I'll be tryin' to pull you through
You just gotta be strong

Yesterday is history
Tomorrow's a mystery
I can see you lookin' back at me
Keep your eyes on me
Baby, keep your eyes on me

'Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now (please show me, baby)
I'll tell you, baby, it was easy
Comin' back here to you once I figured it out
You were right here all along

It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside of me
And now it's clear as this promise
That we're making two reflections into one
'Cause it's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

You are, you are the love of my life 

Now you're the inspiration for this precious song
And I just wanna see your face light up since you put me on
So now I say goodbye to the old me, it's already gone
And I can't wait wait wait wait wait to get you home
Just to let you know, you are

You are, you are the love of my life 

Girl you're my reflection, all I see is you
My reflection, in everything I do
You're my reflection and all I see is you
My reflection, in everything I do

You are, you are the love of my life 

Senin, 08 Juli 2013

kata hati

Sore senja di sudut JogjaTerucap doa kau tau isi hati iniDan bila itu tak terungkapTetap ku nikmati, rasa jatuh sendiriTak mampu ku ungkap segalanya
Izinkan ku renungkanSgala rasa…Biarkan kata hati bicaraDan bila kita terciptaUntuk bersamaBiarkan kata hati yang tunjukkan
Mungkin nanti akan ku sesaliHari ini ku diam dan tak lakukanTak mampu ku ungkap segalanya
Izinkan ku renungkanSgala rasa…Biarkan kata hati bicaraDan bila kita terciptaUntuk bersamaBiarkan kata hati yang tunjukkan